Newborn Photographer At home in Wandsworth, London

I'm pretty sure I'd have had ten babies by now if I didn't get to do this for a living. Meeting new families welcoming new life week in week out gives me my fix of 'newborness' and I literally never tire of it. Life in those first couple of weeks, (well months), is messy, chaotic, full of uncertainties and very different to the life we know before we become parents. There is something so precious about capturing this time for people. Perhaps because I know only too well how fleeting it is, and how one day, these new parents will look back in wonder at how tiny their most precious being could have been.

Here is baby Arthur just shy of two weeks old and about as scrumptious as could be.

If you are expecting a baby and would like to chat about booking in a newborn shoot, I would love to hear from you. You can contact me on or drop me a note here

All photographs are copyright Little Kin Photography: Baby, newborn and family photographer in Richmond, Surrey, London.